Hope your 2024 is off to a good start! I had a restful winter break and I’m excited to be back!

Did you know that we can embed any ActiveRecord model in our Rails app as an ‘attachment’ within rich text content using ActionText?

Let me show you what I mean and how ActionText embeds work.

ActionText Overview

With ActionText we can store content with formatting (bold, italics, etc), bullets, links, headers and attachments. ActionText uses the Trix editor to create and store the rich text content. ActionText also uses ActiveStorage for attachments like images and files.

But in addition to these attachments, ActionText has a feature that allows us to embed any ActiveRecord model in our rich text content. All we need is a signed global id that uniquely identifies our model object.

Signed Global Id

A Global ID is an app wide URI that uniquely identifies a model instance. A signed global id is a global id that’s been signed for added security to ensure that the data hasn’t been tampered with.

In order to embed our models into rich text content, the only requirement is that our model class supports signed global Ids and has a to_sgid() method.

All ActiveRecord models have a to_sgid() method as ActiveRecord::Base mixes in the GlobalID::Identification concern.

class Message < ApplicationRecord
  has_rich_text :content
>> message = Message.first
=> #<Message:0x000000010ee79b18

>> message.to_sgid
=> #<SignedGlobalID:0x0000000005d110>

>> message.to_sgid.to_s
=> "eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaEpJaHhuYVdRNkx5OW1hWE5vYVc1bkwwMWxjM05oWjJVdk1RWTZCa1ZVIiwiZXhwIjoiMjAyNC0wMi0xMVQxNDozNjowMS4zOTBaIiwicHVyIjoiZGVmYXVsdCJ9fQ==--44cfdca6b1556abb7872e94491cd929b417dab7b"

That string is the signed global id, it has two parts. The part before the == is the identifier and the part after is the signature.

We can use this sgid to embed the message model instance within ActiveText content.

How to Embed ActiveRecord Models

With the sgid of a model in hand, we can embed that model into ActionText content using the <action-text-attachment> element.

<p>Hello, This is a paragraph in a post that uses rich text content using ActionText and here is a Message I'd like to embed: <action-text-attachment sgid="eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsib…"></action-text-attachment>.</p>

Now ActionText will use the “eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsib…” identifier to find the Message object.

>> message_sgid = message.to_sgid
=> #<SignedGlobalID:0x0000000007f8a0>

>> GlobalID::Locator.locate message_sgid
=> #<Message:0x000000010eeb3ac0

Next, this part is pretty cool, it will find the default partial _message.html.erb under app/views/messages and it will render the html generated from this partial inside the <action-text-attachment> element, which has the matching sgid.

Given this simple message partial

<span><%= message.body %></span>

the final rich text will look like this

<p>Hello, This is a paragraph in a post that uses rich text content using ActionText and here is a Message I'd like to embed: <span>This is the message body</span>.</p>

That’s handy. And this is a possible with any old ActiveRecord model in our application. This can be used to embed/tag a user or embed product preview or a book review, etc.

There are two other things to know about this ActionText embed feature:

  1. ActionText uses the existing message partial by default but we can define our own partial to use specifically for when the model is rendered as an attachment. This is done by defining an instance method to_attachable_partial_path and a matching partial.
  2. We can also define what to render in case of missing attachments. This is done by defining a class method to_missing_attachable_partial_path and a partial to render when a model instance is not found using the given sgid.

You can find more info in the ActionText guides (which I happen to be reading earlier this week when I came across this feature). I can use something like this in one of my projects, where I store book notes using ActionText and want to render a reference to other book model instances.

There is always value in reading the docs :)

That wraps it up. We learned about signed global ids and how to use them to embed any model into any ActionText rich text content.