When we define a class in an object oriented language, we typically add a few instance variables to the class. In order to read and write those instance variables outside of the class, we add ‘getter’ and ‘setter’ instance methods to the class (you may have seen these in other programming languages like C++ or Java). In Ruby, it can look something like this:

class Person
  def name
  def name=(your_name)
    @name = your_name 

person = Person.new
person.name = "Jim" 
=> "Jim"

However, we don’t typically see code that looks like that in Ruby. That’s because we don’t need to add these getters/setters manually. Ruby does that for us automatically. More specifically it dynamically adds those methods to our class using metaprogramming at runtime (We’ll cover why this is possible in a later post. Don’t worry about it for now). All Ruby needs to know is the name of the instance variables we wish to set up. And it can add methods matching those names.

The method attr_reader adds a getter only, while attr_accessor adds a getter and setter both. (There is also attr_writer to add a setter method only.)

With attr_accessor, the above code becomes:

class Person
  attr_accessor :name

Note that attr_accessor :name is not some special syntax in ruby. It is a method call (on the Module class) with one parameter - the symbol :name. Rewriting it with parens would look like this:

class Person

We can see that the appropriate instance methods are added with

> Person.instance_methods 
=> [:name=, :name, ... ] 

That’s all there is to it. You can write attr_accessor in your Ruby class and never worry about manually adding the boilerplate code for reading and writing the value of an instance variable.


(If you are new to programming or to Ruby/Rails, the below may not fully make sense and that’s okay. I still encourage you to read it.)

  • If you’re familiar with ActiveRecord in Rails, you know that we’re able to access the column names in our table as instance methods on our ActiveRecord object (If we have table named Person with a column called name, we do http://p.name in our Rails code, assuming p is an instance of Person). But notice that we can do this without having to even add attr_* in our ActiveRecord class. How is that possible? This is because Rails can infer the names of methods from the column names in our migrations and schema.rb file.

  • How do all Ruby classes have access to these special methods attr_accessor? Where do they come from? All Ruby Classes are Modules. Meaning they are subclass of Module and inherit methods from Module. The ancestor chain is Class –> Module –> Object –> BasicObject. And below we can see that these attr_* methods are coming from Module (and not Object or something else).

> Class.superclass 
=> Module 

> Module.instance_methods.grep(/^attr/)
=> [:attr, :attr_reader, :attr_writer, :attr_accessor] 

> Class.instance_methods.grep(/^attr/) 
=> [:attr, :attr_reader, :attr_writer, :attr_accessor] 

> Object.instance_methods.grep(/^attr/)
=> []