This one is about Ruby. In addition to methods, Ruby has lambdas and procs as a way of storing pieces of reusable code.

Both lambda and proc are instantiated from the same class Proc (note the capital P). This is one of the more confusing features of Ruby. But not to worry, we’ll clear that up in this post!

First, we’ll look at the Proc object, different ways to create procs and lambdas, see how to invoke them, and then look at how they differ from each other.

The Proc Object

Let’s start with blocks to get at the motivation for procs and lambdas. Blocks are syntactic structures in Ruby. They are not objects. It is possible to create an object that represents a block.

Depending on how that object is created it’s called a proc vs. a lambda. They are both instances of the Proc class. procs have block-like behavior and lambdas have method-like behavior.

Let’s see some code examples!

Defining Proc and Lambda

So how do we create these procs and lambdas? There are a few ways, Kernel.lambda, Kernel.proc and for lambdas there is also a literal syntax ->.


This is the normal new method of a Ruby class. When is called with an associated block, it return a proc that represents the block (lower case p proc, and not a lambda).

>> p = { |x,y| x + y }
=> #<Proc:0x00000001113969a0 (irb):33>

>> p.class
=> Proc
>> p.lambda?
=> false

Remember that all methods in Ruby can be invoked with a block. If is invoked within a method that has an associated block, then it returns the block associated with the containing method.

It can be used like this. I suppose instead of yield.

def call_proc

call_proc { puts "hello" }
=> hello

The .call will execute the code in the block associated with the invocation of call_proc method.

Update: the above was true prior to Ruby 3.1 (I think). When I went to test this code snippet on latest Ruby, new fails to find the block and reports tried to create Proc object without a block. Apparently this feature was deprecated.

2. Kernel.lambda

Another way to create a Proc object that is a lambda is the lambda method of the Kernel module.

This method acts like a global function. It expects no arguments but must have a block associated with the invocation. And it returns a Proc object that is a lambda this time (not a proc).

>> is_positive = lambda { |x| x > 0 }
=> #<Proc:0x00000001114b6b00 (irb):30 (lambda)>

>> is_positive.class
=> Proc
>> is_positive.lambda?
=> true

3. Lambda literal syntax

This is the -> that you’ve probably seen in your Rails application code. It is syntactic sugar for the lambda method.

For example, this lambda increment = lambda {|x| x + 1} can be written like this as well increment = ->(x){x + 1}.

# same as lambda {|x| x + 1}
>> increment = ->(x){x + 1}
=> #<Proc:0x000000011119aac0 (irb):37 (lambda)>

# same as above, using numbered parameters
>> increment = -> { _1 + 1}
=> #<Proc:0x000000011113f350 (irb):38 (lambda)>

The -> { _1 + 1} is even more succient. This is using numbered parameters, _1 refers to the first block parameter (this is not specific to procs or lambdas, works with any old block).

One advantage of doing the -> syntax is that we can clearly indicate parameters with default values. So we can write ->(x, y=1){x + y}. Where the 2nd parameter y has a default value of 1.

This lambda {|x, y=1| x + y} also works btw, just not as easy to read.

This syntax is commonly used for passing lambda as argument to methods or other lambda.

4. Kernel.proc

Including this here for completeness but this one is not as common.

>> foo = proc {|x| x + 1}
=> #<Proc:0x000000011121b440 (irb):45>

>> foo.class
=> Proc
>> foo.lambda?
=> false

Note: I think prior to Ruby 1.8 proc was a synonym for lambda! Very confusing. Ruby 1.9 fixes this and makes it a synonym for so proc could be used instead of It’s shorter but still could be confusing unless you’re sure you’ll never run Ruby less than 1.9.

Now that we know how to define procs and lambdas, let’s move on to how to call them.

Invoking Procs and Lambdas

Procs and Lambdas are objects not methods. So they cannot be invoked in the same way as methods. Instead we invoke the method call on a Proc object p like This will execute the code in the block associated with the Proc object and return the value of the block as return to the .call.

In addition to call, there are two other ways that are equivalent.

p[x,y] is the same as,y).

p.(x,y) is also syntactic sugar for,y).

We can invoke a lambda from the previous section like this:

>> increment = ->(x){x + 1}
=> #<Proc:0x000000011139d480 (irb):48 (lambda)>

=> 2

>> increment.(42)
=> 43

>> increment[64]
=> 65

# but not like this
>> increment(8)
(irb):52:in `<main>': undefined method `increment' for main:Object (NoMethodError)

Note that we can’t call it like a method with () as procs and lambdas are objects of the Proc class, not methods.

Lastly, let’s take a look at how procs and lambdas differ.

How Lambdas Differ from Procs

A proc is an object form of a block. A lambda behaves more like a method than a block. Calling a proc is like yielding to a block. While calling a lambda is more like invoking a method.

Proc class has an instance method lambda? that returns true for lambda and false for proc.

procs and lambdas have different behavior when it comes to the return statement and argument passing.

1. Return statement

As we know a return statement within a block, not only returns from the block but also returns from the method enclosing the block. Since procs are like blocks, this is true for return statements within a proc as well. It returns from the enclosing method/context.

def test
  puts "entering method"
  p = {puts "entering proc"; return}
  puts "exiting method" # this is never executed

>> test
entering method
entering proc
=> nil

A return statement in a lambda, on the other hand, return from the lambda itself, not from the method that contains the lambda. As we’d expect.

2. Argument Passing

procs are invoked with ‘yield semantics’ and lambda are invoked with method ‘invocation semantics’.

procs turn out to be flexible with the number of arguments they can accept. procs will discard extra arguments, unpack and pack arrays, etc.

lambdas are not flexible in this way. Lambdas must be invoked with precisely the number of arguments they are declared with.

Alright, that covers it all. We know about the Proc class, how to create and invoke procs and lambdas. We know how they differ. And we know what the syntax -> and _1 mean.